Kirsten’s Bio
Author of Loving the Unlovable and creator of the “PEACE Method”, Kirsten is passionate about equipping and transforming the culture of the home, workplace, church, and community with the tools, strategies, and biblical principles that transformed her own life and thousands of lives through her speaking, writing, and coaching.
Kirsten was a featured speaker at Harvard Club of Boston, Ultimate Women’s Expo, Rady Children’s Hospital, Make A Wish Foundation, churches, women’s events, and college campuses. Kirsten has had the opportunity to interview celebrities along with other successful faith-driven entrepreneurs.
Eight years in leadership at one of San Diego’s largest churches: Instructor, Bible teacher, Care Counselor, and on the Pastoral Support Team.
Kirsten testifies to GOD’S FAITHFULNESS
Battle against a life-threatening cancer with her 5-year-old son
Raising 4-strong, driven Millennials into responsible, engaged, caring adults
Unemployment for a year with only one mortgage payment left in the bank
Uprooting her family of six to live in Canada for 2-years
Sudden loss of four close family members
Transitioned through the loss and shame of divorce after 33 years to serve others
Paid off $100K of debt within a year
Equipped with Spiritual Gifts of Teaching, Discernment, Exhortation, Healing, and Faith